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The importance of thorough background checks cannot be underestimated.

- An FXG background investigation resulted in an executive resigning due to inaccuracies in their statements and resume.

- In another, FXG located a criminal record that was not discovered on previous background searches.

 F.X. Gray Investigated Madoff's accounting firm in 2007.

Questions about Friehling & Horowitz that handled Madoff's auditing.

As reported in a number of newspaper articles, Friehling & Horowitz was Madoff's auditing firm. Francis X. Gray, LLC. was retained to do an investigation into Friehling & Horowitz. The results forwarded to our client raised many "red flags" that resulted in our client not recommending Madoff's firm. The results were subsequently widely distributed and reported by all media outlets after the Ponzi scheme was unveiled in 2008.

Our client has given their approval for us to state these results. If you require any additional information, please contact us.

Media Coverage

Investigated a 1.6 million dollar employee theft and located all monies that resulted in criminal prosecution.   WSJ

Investigated a $600,000 GNMA placement that resulted in the issuing agent to call back the bonds.   WSJ